Who we are recruiting & what is involved
- The overall aim of the whole project which involves a number of studies is to understand how benzos and opioids interact to influence the chance of fatal overdose. This specific part of the study, aims to explore service providers views on current clinical practice and harm reduction approaches, how these may change or improve in the future, and experiences of prescribing in the context of opioid and benzodiazepine co-use.
- We are looking for professionals:
- who provide support, care and/or prescribe for people who co-use these drugs
- We are also looking to speak to some people with experience of providing care for people who have had a near fatal overdose through co-using these drugs 45-minute, audio recorded conversation with a researcher face to face, online or by phone about experiences supporting people using benzos with opioids.
- Choice of day and time.
- All information will be treated as confidential, and personal details removed so that individuals cannot be identified.
- The study is organised by the University of Bristol and funded by the Medical Research Council. It has been reviewed and approved by Faculty of Health Sciences Committee for Research Ethics (ID: 11906).
Possible benefits and disadvantages
- No direct benefits from taking part, but you may find it useful to talk about your experiences.
- By taking part, you will be helping researchers understand benzodiazepine and opioid use and possible ways to help reduce the risk of overdose and inform future harm reduction and clinical practice.
- Disadvantages of taking part include the time taken for the conversation.
- The conversation will stop if you feel upset by anything and do not want to continue, and staff will give you support or information about local counselling services.
All information will be kept confidential and anonymous unless you tell us something that indicates you or someone else is at risk of harm.
How to participate
- If you would like to take part or have any questions please let a member of staff know or contact Dr Hannah Family or Dr Gabriele Vojt. They will get in touch with you to discuss the study: hannah.family@bristol.ac.ukĀ Gabriele.Vojt@bristol.ac.uk